Bar Game

So you like to play games and gamble? Well we have one for you and it’s real simple we call it the Everclear Challenge. You have two options, aka strengths, to play.

Option 1 – Pay 150k Gil to our lovely bartender and they will give you a 70% everclear shot. You give us a /random and if you get over 700 you win 225k Gil

Option 2 – Pay 500k Gil to our lovely bartender and they will give you a 85% everclear shot. You give us a /random and if you get over 850 you win 2mil Gil.

See I told you its simple. Now for the extra fun. If you are higher then Hydaelyn and got some extra Gil weighing to down, and want to flex to to everyone. You can buy out the 70% for everyone to play the whole night for the low low price of 25mil Gil.